Change of plans and getting to the Scotland of the East

Last night, we were so tired when we got into the hotel that we didn’t even ask for sheets - we just crashed on the beds. Plus, the huge amount of money (Rs. 600) we had to pay for the hotel room had really got to us and had put a doubt in our minds if we would be able to keep up with the #150aday challenge. But a good night’s sleep rested our minds and got our resolve was back again....

May 10, 2010

Ups and Downs - Journey till Guwahati

Here we are in Guwahati at last! The journey from Siliguri till here has been an adventure in itself. What could have been done in a straightforward fashion by taking a direct train or bus, was instead done in 2 truck and 3 bus rides. Did we stick to our budget, oh yes - till we got to Guwahati. And then, in one shot, we overshot the budget! But let’s start from the beginning to get a good perspective....

May 10, 2010